Wie enttarnt man sich als Deutsche(r) im Ausland? Du besitzt einen Jack Wolfskin Rucksack/Backpack, schleppst einen JW Waschsalon mit dir ins Bad und trägst eine JW Fließ-, Regen- oder Wanderjacke. Kein Mensch sonst hat jemals von dem Namen Jack Wolfskin gehört oder gelesen. Selbst Schweizer oder Österreicher werden mit dieser Marke nicht gesehen.
Ein weiteres Indiz: Du bestellst in einem im Eiscafe 'Spaghetti-Eis' (what's that??) oder wunderst dich, dass niemand deinen Lieblingscocktail 'Capirinha' kennt.
Noch ein paar weitere random facts:
You know that your're german, when...
[1]... if you wish every person around you "Guten Appetit" at mealtimes.
[2]... you call your cell phone "handy" and a projector "beamer".
[3]... people start talking about Hitler, Autobahn and Hofbräuhaus when you tell them where you're from.
[4]... you have ended an English sentence with "..., or?".
[5]... if you learned all about traffic safety through songs by Rolf Zuckowski
[6]... if you think you have less public holidays than other countries when in fact you have more!
[7]... if you only drink Sprudel Wasser and you add it to every other liquid you drink and call it Schorle!
[8]... if you know at least 15 different ways to cook potatoes
[9]... if the sentence "you can say you to me" makes perfect sense to you.
[10]... you mix Coke and Fanta and call it "Spezi".
[11]... if you don't cross your fingers but "press your thumbs"
[12]... if your CV/ resume is a book that consists not only your previous work experience, but also your last 3 report cards, all of your previous job report cards, what your mother and father do for a living (not to mention what your siblings do and whether they're single, married, etc.), a photo of yourself (if not a couple), your religious beliefs, and ... the list goes on!